Cleaning up after death

and rehabilitation of the deceased

Clearance of the house or flat of the deceased

Cleaning and clearing up after a death is done technically and with respect for the privacy of the bereaved.
We take a sensitive and discreet approach to clearing up.
We remove biological material, disinfect everything and clean the air.
We then clear out the old furniture and equipment and remove the waste.

Call us at 778 550 134 or email us at [email protected] and describe your situation.
We will arrange a date and price for a post-mortem. We’ll come to you the next day.

Disinfection and deodorization

Before clearing out the estate, we’ll go through the property and identify any potential health risks.
If biological waste (blood, body fluids, faeces) needs to be removed, our staff will use protective suits and disinfectants. We will also clean and disinfect the area and perform deodorization (cleaning of stale air).

Things of emotional value

After disinfection and deodorization, we move on to sorting and clearing things out.
We will sort the deceased’s personal belongings or items of emotional value such as photographs, documents, mementos and more separately and hand them over to you once they have been cleared.

Clear out old furniture, appliances and waste

We fill municipal waste, dismantle old furniture, electrical appliances (such as stove, TV, refrigerator, microwave), other equipment and built-in devices and take them to the landfill or collection yard.

Clearing of attic and cellar

We clear out the house or apartment completely, including the cellar, garage, attic or attic, where most of the accumulated items are often located.
We will load everything into a vehicle and take care of disposal.

Price of clearing after death including rehabilitation

The cost of clearing out a house or flat after a death, including remediation, depends on the amount of waste and the complexity of the clearance.
Prices can be found below and are inclusive of the cost of labour, transport, packing materials, removal and disposal of waste or rubble.
For an accurate quote, email us at [email protected] or call us at 778 550 134.

According to loading

Flat rates according to actual loading
  • Residential units, houses, dry areas: 790 CZK/m³ to 990 CZK/m³
  • Cellars, attic spaces, outdoor spaces: 990 CZK/m³ to 1290 CZK/m³

According to the piece of furniture

Price list for moving out, removal and disposal of furniture pieces
  • Washing machine, fridge, wardrobe: 1 200 CZK to 1 700 CZK
  • Sofas, living room walls: 1 890 Kč to 2 790 Kč

Price list for cleaning, disinfection, cleaning after death

Disinfection, deodorization, cleaning up after death
  • Initial disinfection: from 1 200 CZK to 2 500 CZK
  • Disinfestation in case of finding parasites, worms, etc.: from 1 350 CZK to 2 700 CZK
  • Deodorization, odor removal after the deceased: from 2 900 CZK to 6 500 CZK
  • Cleaning after the deceased including disposable supplies: 3 900 CZK to 8 900 CZK depending on the scope
  • Removal and disposal of contaminated material after death: 1 900 CZK to 4 500 CZK depending on the quantity (up to 3m³)
  • Cleaning of contaminated areas: from CZK 1,290 per m³ according to the price list

What to do after the death of a loved one

Even in this psychologically very difficult and emotional situation, there are many things that need to be taken care of after the deceased, mainly of an administrative nature:

  • contact the registry office so that the succession proceedings can be initiated,
  • to issue a death certificate and to hand over the deceased’s documents,
  • notify the health insurance company and the Czech Social Security Administration,
  • cancel standing orders in the bank, unsubscribe or override energy, cancel mobile tariff,
  • to arrange for the funeral and the final farewell,
  • apply for a widow’s or orphan’s pension
  • and, of course, to clear out and clean the apartment or house after the deceased.

With the last point, you can turn to us and ease your worries about sorting things out, cleaning, clearing out and disposing of waste.

Locations to be cleared after death

We clean houses, flats, cottages and chalets all over the Czech Republic, most often in the following cities: Prague and its surroundings, Pilsen, Ústí nad Labem, Liberec, Pardubice, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, Karlovy Vary, Brno.
But we will come to you in other cities and places as well.

We'll come, we'll clear out, we'll clean up, we'll take away.

Contact us to get a price estimate today!

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