Black dump disposal

waste removal and restoration of the land to its original state

Black dump clearance

Have you discovered that someone has taken a dump on your property, in the woods, near a field or in front of an abandoned building? Has the municipality ordered you to clean up the dump?
Or did you, as a municipality, have no choice but to remove the dump from the municipal budget because the owner of the dump could not be traced?

Email us at [email protected] or call us at 778 550 134.
We will prepare a free proposal for the disposal of an unaesthetic and hazardous black dump.
We will arrange a price and a date to remove the dump.

How to deal with a black dump on the land

According to the law, the owner of the land on which the black dump was created is responsible for the black dump. The creation of a black dump is an offence for which the person who created the dump can pay up to CZK 50 000. If you discover that someone has started collecting garbage in bags, old discarded electrical appliances, construction debris and other items on your land, report the dump immediately to the relevant authority (municipality, city or, in the case of large polluting sites, the Czech Environmental Inspectorate), otherwise you can also be fined up to CZK 100,000 for not reporting it.

If you do not know the exact composition of the waste, do not remove the landfill yourself, hire experts. Black dumps may release harmful substances into the air, the soil under the dump and in the vicinity may be contaminated and hazardous substances may seep into surface and groundwater.

Removal of illegal dumping and hazardous waste removal

We will sort the items from the dump , clean the area and take the waste to an incinerator, collection yard or recycling plant for disposal. We think safety first and foremost, clearing the area in protective suits, using special equipment and loading the waste into designated containers. If necessary, we use recommended disinfectants to clean the premises.

Some black dumps are created by the avalanche of waste
by drug addicts or by the illegal establishment of squats, settlements and shacks by the homeless. We also specialise in clearing out these hazardous sites.

A service for municipalities, cities and landowners

We provide this service to both individuals, i.e. landowners, and municipalities or towns that are dealing with an illegal dump and have decided to remove it.
Municipalities and towns can receive grants from the county for landfill removal.

Price of black dump disposal

The waste accumulated in a black dump can be of different composition.
The price always depends on the amount of waste, its difficulty to clear and subsequent disposal.
Prices should be taken as a guideline, for an exact free calculation contact us at [email protected] or 778 550 134.

Waste removal and restoration of the land to its original state

Contact us to get a price estimate today!

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